Hair Care Routine For Men

Your haircare routine probably sucks, that’s if you even have one in the first place. Most guys use a 3-1 shampoo that makes their hair lifeless, dry and frizzy.

That’s not going to be you anymore. You’re going to adopt a haircare routine and get those luscious locks you’ve always wanted. Trust me when I say it will makes a huge difference in your appearance.

Let’s begin.

Understanding Hair Types

The tricky part here is that your hairs current state can be much difference than what it is naturally.

Some of you right now have limp, lifeless, and flat hair, but after a bit of care you’ll find it completely changes and that your natural hair is actually wavy and full of life. You’ve just been neglecting it.

First up we have thick hair or “high density” hair.

Which really just means that you have more strands of hair per square inch on your scalp. This type of hair will appear a lot fuller and voluminous and often takes longer to dry.

Next there’s thin or low-density hair. This type of hair dries quicker but is prone to breakage and requires really gentle care.

Hair can also be classified by it’s texturestraight, wavy, curly or coily. Each texture behaves differently, has unique needs and responds completely differently to hair products and even the weather.

Another important aspect of hair type is oiliness level.

You hair will fall into either oily hair, dry hair or normal.

Oily hair gets greasy much faster and will need to be washed more often, while someone with dry hair will benefit a lot from not over-washing their hair and letting the natural oils flourish a little bit.

Remember your hair can fall into a ton of different categories. You can have thick, curly, oily hair or straight, thin, dry hair.

The goal is to understand your hair type so you can create a haircare routine that actually benefits you.

Basic Daily Haircare Routine

To shampoo or not to shampoo, that is the question.

Why is it that some people swear by ditching shampoos and others can’t go a day without shampooing else their hair becomes a greasy, stringy, mess?

It all comes back to your individual hair type and genetics. You need to personalize your shampooing schedule. But to be honest, regardless of your hair type – It’s almost a sure thing that you’re shampooing too often.

You have to remember that if you’re using a shampoo from your average drug store, these are super harsh on your hair and over-cleanse your scalp, resulting in really bad looking hair.

Here’s what you need to do:

Buy a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner as a starting point. If you’re used to using cheap drug store shampoos that strip your hair of life it’s going to take a little bit of time to adjust to a gentler formula, so be patient.

Try not to wash your hair every day. This strips your natural oils. These natural oils are what keeps your hair shiny and conditioned and also protect it from being damaged by the elements.

How often you wash your hair is very personal. Some people can go once a week and others need to wash their hair every other day.

If you’re used to shampooing everyday – skip one day out of the week as a starting point and see how your scalp and hair feel.

The next week, skip 2 days of shampooing. Keep doing this until you find the right amount of shampooing that feels best for your hair and scalp.

Remember on off days you’re still washing your hair with either just water or a conditioner.

I’ve made a list of high quality shampoos if you’re interested:


Most guys don’t even use a conditioner.

Well, it’s time to start using one now. It’ll make a huge difference in your hair.

Conditioners make your hair smoother, softer and reduce moisture loss which is especially beneficial if you have dry hair.

In shower conditioners are the most common and usually come in a pair with a shampoo.

Deep conditioners have the strongest effect. If your hair still feels dry or rough, using a deep conditioner every one or two weeks will make a huge difference in bringing your hair back to life.

Depending on your hair type, the kind of conditioner you’ll be using will vary greatly. If you have thick hair, you want a heavy conditioner, if you have thinner hair, you want something light.

I’ve made a list of conditioners depending on your hair type:


Now, let’s talk about drying. The way you dry your hair can hugely impact the way it looks.

Rubbing your hair vigorously with a towel will cause breakage and frizz.

Instead, gently pat your hair with a towel to remove excess water, then let it air dry as much as possible.

If you must use a blow dryer, use it on a cool setting to minimize heat damage.

…and that’s pretty much it for drying.

Weekly/Bi-Weekly Haircare Treatments

We’ve talked about the daily haircare routine, but there are other treatments that are more powerful that you can apply once a week or once every 2 weeks.

First off, deep conditioning.

No matter your hair type, a deep conditioning treatment once a week or every other week can work wonders.

These treatments are designed to penetrate the hair shaft and nourish it from the inside out, resulting in softer, shinier, and healthier hair.

Apply the deep conditioner to your hair after shampooing, let it sit for the recommended amount of time – usually around 10 to 15 minutes – and then rinse it out thoroughly.

Hair masks are another great weekly treatment. Similar to deep conditioners, they provide intensive nourishment to your hair.

But, hair masks often contain specific ingredients targeted at particular issues, such as dryness, frizz, or scalp health. Choose one that suits your hair type and concerns.

If you’re experiencing significant hair loss or thinning, consider a scalp treatment. These treatments often include ingredients like biotin, caffeine, or minoxidil, which can stimulate hair growth.

Apply the treatment as directed, usually directly to your scalp, and leave it on for the specified amount of time.

Finally, if you use styling products or live in an area with hard water, a clarifying shampoo can be helpful.

Used once every week or two, it can remove product buildup and excess minerals from your hair. Be careful though, as overuse can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle.

Always follow a clarifying shampoo with a good conditioner.

Again, I’ve provided a list of these treatments below:

Styling & Maintenance

Alright, now that we’ve covered both daily and weekly haircare routines, let’s move onto another crucial aspect of haircare – styling and maintenance.

First, let’s talk about hairstyling products. There are a variety of products out there, including pomades, gels, waxes, and creams.

The one you choose largely depends on your hair type, length, and the style you’re aiming for.

Generally, pomades and waxes work well for thicker, shorter hair and for styles that require a strong hold and shine.

Creams and gels, on the other hand, are great for longer hair or for styles that require less hold and more flexibility.

Remember, when using any product, less is more. Start with a small amount and add more if needed. And always distribute the product evenly throughout your hair for the best results.

When it comes to maintenance, getting regular trims, even if you’re growing out your hair, can keep it looking neat and healthy. A trim every 4 to 6 weeks can help get rid of split ends and maintain your hairstyle.

Hairstyling Products:

Diet & Vitamins

Remember that healthy hair starts from the inside.

If you have poor nutrition, the first place your body will ditch is your hair.

So pay attention to your diet and hydration. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly those known to boost hair health such as vitamins A, C, D, E, biotin, and proteins.

If you’re not getting enough sun, supplementing with vitamin D can make a huge difference in your hair health.